Tuesday 19 February 2013

Featured Book - Pacifier 6, The Shadows Within

Pacifier 6, The Shadows Within

The apocalypse has come and gone. A disease, an infection, that blackened the Earth with horror. Then came Pacifier 6; a drug to calm the evil, to dampen the cravings for flesh and bone. Now you go to the store and pick out a zombie as if you were buying a new pet.

But what happens when you realise that familiar faces still have feelings?

Carl’s pulling himself back together, attempting to cope with the losses that life has dealt him. Amidst the horror of the past few months, he begins to realise that death isn’t necessarily the end; it can be the start of something new, something that has never been seen before. With everyone around him battling to keep society intact, Carl manages to see beyond the ravaged faces of those he once knew. There’s a new creature in the darkness, a consciousness that most have overlooked, and it’s waiting to reveal itself.

Buy now from Amazon:

UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00B8SJM2U
US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B8SJM2U

You can read an interview I conducted with Geoff back in December here:


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